Research Report | Oct 2021
Tracking and Reporting on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Input from directors and senior leaders at 421 companies on how they are examining DE&I and including it in executive incentive plans.
Our recent survey on “Tracking and Reporting on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” was conducted between July 18 and July 30, 2021. A total of 421 participating companies provided input on if and how they are tracking and reporting DE&I factors, and to what degree DE&I goals are reflected in executive incentive plans. Of those participants, 244 represent public companies, 132 are privately held, and 45 are not-for-profit organizations.
Our analyses indicate that boards are increasingly involved in DEI discussions. We expect these conversations to expand in both depth and breadth.
Further, organizations are measuring more metrics and becoming more sophisticated, increasing focus on leading measures versus only those that look back. Communication is expanding exponentially, DE&I is being covered in more vehicles, and across all types of vehicles, and organizations are planning to increase their communication of DE&I.
Finally, organizations are adding DE&I to annual incentive plans, but there is not a “one size fits all” approach. As with all incentive plan design, the “best” approach is tailored to the organization.