Webcast | Apr 2021
M&As and Retaining Key Talent: How Do Your Change-in-Control Plans Stack Up?
This Pearl Meyer/NACD webcast features an in-depth review of current best practices and market data on all things CIC.
Despite the upheaval of 2020, M&A activity remains strong. For companies with a 2021 transaction on the horizon—and for those with deal possibilities in the not-so-distant future—understanding change-in-control (CIC) provisions is a must.
This Pearl Meyer/NACD webcast features an in-depth review of current best practices and market data on all things CIC.
In addition to covering the critical legal and tax issues related to contracts, CIC payouts, and IRC Section 280G exposures, this webcast explores:
- Common CIC designs, plans, and features for the CEO and top executives;
- What to do when a CIC is imminent; and
- How to evaluate your current CIC plans’ ability to retain key talent; including assessing potential retention and/or transaction bonus levels and design parameters.